
Examples in this section are targeting for performance optimization. The same functionality can be realized by using the features described in the general examples. Performance optimizations are achieved by SIMD, multi threading / parallelization, batching or bulk operations.

Optimization examples are part of the unit tests see: Tests/ECS/Examples

Entity Queries

Boosted Query

🔥 Update - Introduced new query approach using Friflo.Engine.ECS.Boost.

Optimization: Use query.Each() and a struct implementing Execute(...) for maximum query performance.

This query approach is the most performant approach - except Query vectorization / SIMD. A unique feature of Friflo.Engine.ECS - it uses no unsafe code. This enables running the dll in trusted environments. For maximum performance unsafe code is required to elide bounds checks.

Instead of processing components of a query with query.ForEachEntity(...) the MoveEach struct below process components in its Execute() method. The processing of all query components is performed by query.Each(new MoveEach()).

The performance gain compared with query.ForEachEntity(...) is ~3x. The method query.Each() requires adding the dependency Friflo.Engine.ECS.Boost.

public struct Velocity : IComponent { public Vector3 value; }

public static void BoostedQuery()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
        store.CreateEntity(new Position(), new Velocity());
    var query = store.Query<Position, Velocity>();
    query.Each(new MoveEach()); // requires https://www.nuget.org/packages/Friflo.Engine.ECS.Boost

struct MoveEach : IEach<Position, Velocity>
    public void Execute(ref Position position, ref Velocity velocity) {
        position.value += velocity.value;

Enumerate Query Chunks

Optimization: Replace a query.ForEachEntity(( ... ) => lambda) by two foreach loops. This approach avoids the more expensive lambda calls.

Also as described in the intro enumeration of a query result is fundamental for an ECS. Components are returned as Chunk's and are suitable for Vectorization - SIMD.

public static void EnumerateQueryChunks()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
        store.CreateEntity(new MyComponent{ value = n + 42 });
    var query = store.Query<MyComponent>();
    foreach (var (components, entities) in query.Chunks)
        for (int n = 0; n < entities.Length; n++) {
            Console.WriteLine(components[n].value);                  // > 42  43  44
    // Caution! This alternative to iterate components is much slower
    foreach (var entity in query.Entities) {
        Console.WriteLine(entity.GetComponent<MyComponent>().value); // > 42  43  44

🔥 Update - Added example code for slower iteration alternative. The alternative should be used only for small result set with less than 10 entities.

Parallel Query Job

Optimization: Execute a query on multiple CPU cores in parallel.

To minimize execution time for large queries a QueryJob can be used. It provides the same functionality as the foreach loop in example above but runs on multiple cores in parallel. E.g.

    foreach (var (components, entities) in query.Chunks) { ... }

To enable running a query job a ParallelJobRunner is required. The runner can be assigned to the EntityStore or directly to the QueryJob. A ParallelJobRunner instance is thread-safe and can / should be used for multiple / all query jobs.

public static void ParallelQueryJob()
    var runner  = new ParallelJobRunner(Environment.ProcessorCount);
    var store   = new EntityStore { JobRunner = runner };
    for (int n = 0; n < 10_000; n++) {
        store.CreateEntity(new MyComponent());
    var query = store.Query<MyComponent>();
    var queryJob = query.ForEach((myComponents, entities) =>
        // multi threaded query execution running on all available cores
        for (int n = 0; n < entities.Length; n++) {
            myComponents[n].value += 10;

In case of structural changes inside ForEach((...) => {...}) use CommandBuffer.Synced to record the changes. These changes are adding / removing components, tags or child entities and the creation / deletion of entities.

Note: CommandBuffer is not thread safe. CommandBuffer.Synced is thread safe. After RunParallel() returns these changes can be applied to the EntityStore by calling CommandBuffer.Playback().

Recommendation A parallel query achieves notable performance gains in case using only arithmetic computations like * / + - sin(), cos(), ... in the loop.

In case of using a CommandBuffer and and applying massive entity changes the single threaded version is typically faster. The reason is that entity changes applied to a CommandBuffer requires heavy random memory access. If doing this on multiple threads the CPU cores are competing with access to memory heap and CPU caches.

Query Vectorization - SIMD

Optimization: Utilize SIMD of your CPU to execute a query. SIMD architectures: SSE, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, AdvSIMD, Neon, ...

The most efficient way to speedup query execution is vectorization. Vectorization is similar to loop unrolling - aka loop unwinding - but with hardware support. Its efficiency is superior to multi threading as it requires only a single thread to achieve the same performance gain. So other threads can still keep running without competing for CPU resources.

Note: Vectorization can be combined with multi threading to speedup execution even more. In case of a system with high memory bandwidth the speedup is speedup(SIMD) * speedup(multi threading). If SIMD or multi threading alone already reaches this bandwidth bottleneck their combination provide no performance gain.

The API provide a few methods to convert chunk components into System.Runtime.Intrinsics - Vectors. E.g. AsSpan256<> and StepSpan256. See all methods at the Chunk - API. The Span retrieved from a chunk component has padding components at the end to enable vectorization without a scalar remainder loop.

The following examples shows how to increment all MyComponent.value's by 1.

public static void QueryVectorization()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    for (int n = 0; n < 10_000; n++) {
        store.CreateEntity(new MyComponent());
    var query = store.Query<MyComponent>();
    foreach (var (component, entities) in query.Chunks)
        // increment all MyComponent.value's. add = <1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1>
        var add     = Vector256.Create<int>(1);     // create int[8] vector - all values = 1
        var values  = component.AsSpan256<int>();   // values.Length - multiple of 8
        var step    = component.StepSpan256;        // step = 8
        for (int n = 0; n < values.Length; n += step) {
            var slice   = values.Slice(n, step);
            var result  = Vector256.Create<int>(slice) + add; // 8 add ops in one CPU cycle


Optimization: Process multiple entity events in a loop instead of individual event handlers.

An alternative to process entity changes - see section Event - are EventFilter's. EventFilter's can be used on its own or within a query like in the example below. All events that need to be filtered - like added/removed components/tags - can be added to the EventFilter. E.g. ComponentAdded<Position>() or TagAdded<MyTag1>.

public static void FilterEntityEvents()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    store.EventRecorder.Enabled = true; // required for EventFilter
    store.CreateEntity(new Position(), Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    var query = store.Query();
    foreach (var entity in store.Entities)
        bool hasEvent = query.HasEvent(entity.Id);
        Console.WriteLine($"{entity} - hasEvent: {hasEvent}");
    // > id: 1  [] - hasEvent: False
    // > id: 2  [Position] - hasEvent: True
    // > id: 3  [#MyTag1] - hasEvent: True


Batch - Create Entity

🔥 Update - New example to use simpler / more performant approach to create entities.

Optimization Minimize structural changes when creating entities.

Entities can be created with multiple components and tags in a single step. This can be done by one of the EntityStoreExtensions CreateEntity<T1, ... , Tn> overloads.

public static void CreateEntityOperation()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
        store.CreateEntity(new EntityName("test"), new Position(), Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    var taggedEntities = store.Query().AllTags(Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    Console.WriteLine(taggedEntities);      // > Query: [#MyTag1]  Count: 10

Bulk - Create entities

🔥 Update - New example for bulk creation of entities.

Optimization Create multiple entities with the same set of components / tags in a single step.

Entities can be created one by one with store.CreateEntity(). To create multiple entities with the same set of components and tags use archetype.CreateEntities(int count).

public static void CreateEntities()
    var store     = new EntityStore();
    var archetype = store.GetArchetype(ComponentTypes.Get<Position, Scale3>(), Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    var entities  = archetype.CreateEntities(100_000);  // ~ 0.5 ms
    Console.WriteLine(entities.Count);                  // 100000

Batch - Operations

🔥 Update - Add example to batch add, remove and get components and tags.

Optimization Minimize structural changes when adding / removing multiple components or tags.

Components can be added / removed one by one to / from an entity with entity.AddComponent() / entity.RemoveComponent(). Every operation may cause a structural change which is an expensive operation.

To execute these operations in a single step use the EntityExtensions overloads. This approach also reduces the amount of code to perform these operations.

In case accessing multiple components of the same entity use entity.Data instead of multiple entity.GetComponent<>() calls.

public static void EntityBatchOperations()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    var entity  = store.CreateEntity();
    // batch: add operations
        new Position(1, 2, 3),
        new Scale3(4, 5, 6),
        new EntityName("test"),
    Console.WriteLine(entity); // id: 1  "test"  [EntityName, Position, Scale3, #MyTag1]
    // batch: get operations
    var data    = entity.Data; // introduced in 3.0.0-preview.7
    var pos     = data.Get<Position>();
    var scale   = data.Get<Scale3>();
    var name    = data.Get<EntityName>();
    var tags    = data.Tags;
    Console.WriteLine($"({pos}),({scale}),({name})"); // (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), ('test')
    Console.WriteLine(tags);                          // Tags: [#MyTag1]
    // batch: remove operations
    entity.Remove<Position, Scale3, EntityName>(Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    Console.WriteLine(entity); // id: 1  []

Batch - Entity

Optimization Minimize structural changes when adding and removing components or tags to / from a single entity.

Note An EntityBatch should only be used when adding AND removing components / tags to an entity at the same entity. If only adding OR removing components / tags use the Add() / Remove() overloads shown above.

When adding/removing components or tags to/from a single entity it will be moved to a new archetype. This is also called a structural change and in comparison to other methods a more costly operation. Every component / tag change will cause a structural change.

In case of multiple changes on a single entity use an EntityBatch to apply all changes at once. Using this approach only a single or no structural change will be executed.

public static void EntityBatch()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    var entity  = store.CreateEntity();
        .Add(new Position(1, 2, 3))
    Console.WriteLine($"entity: {entity}"); // > entity: id: 1  [Position, #MyTag1]

EntityBatch - Query

Optimization: Minimize structural changes when adding / removing components or tags to / from multiple entities.

In cases you need to add/remove components or tags to entities returned by a query use a bulk operation. Executing these type of changes are most efficient using a bulk operation. This can be done by either using ApplyBatch() or a common foreach () loop as shown below. To prevent unnecessary allocations the application should cache and reuse the list instance for future batches.

public static void BulkBatch()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) {
    var batch = new EntityBatch();
    batch.Add(new Position(1, 2, 3)).AddTag<MyTag1>();
    var query = store.Query<Position>().AllTags(Tags.Get<MyTag1>());
    Console.WriteLine(query);               // > Query: [Position, #MyTag1]  Count: 1000
    // Same as: store.Entities.ApplyBatch(batch) above
    foreach (var entity in store.Entities) {

EntityBatch - EntityList

An EntityList is a container of entities added to the list. Single entities are added using Add(). AddTree() adds an entity and all its children including their children etc. A bulk operation can be applied to all entities in the lists as shown in the example below.

public static void EntityList()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    var root    = store.CreateEntity();
    for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
        var child = store.CreateEntity();
        // Add two children to each child
    var list = new EntityList(store);
    // Add root and all its children to the list
    Console.WriteLine($"list - {list}");        // > list - Count: 31
    var batch = new EntityBatch();
    batch.Add(new Position());
    var query = store.Query<Position>();
    Console.WriteLine(query);                   // > Query: [Position]  Count: 31


Optimization: Required when adding / removing components or tags in a Parallel Query Job.

A CommandBuffer is used to record changes on multiple entities. E.g. AddComponent(). These changes are applied to entities when calling Playback(). Recording commands with a CommandBuffer instance can be done on any thread. Playback() must be called on the main thread. Available commands are in the CommandBuffer - API.

This enables recording entity changes in multi threaded application using entity systems / queries. In this case enumerations of query results run on multiple worker threads. Within these enumerations entity changes are recorded with a CommandBuffer. After a query thread has finished these changes are executed with Playback() on the main thread.

public static void CommandBuffer()
    var store   = new EntityStore();
    var entity1 = store.CreateEntity(new Position());
    var entity2 = store.CreateEntity();
    CommandBuffer cb = store.GetCommandBuffer();
    var newEntity = cb.CreateEntity();
    cb.DeleteEntity  (entity2.Id);
    cb.AddComponent  (newEntity, new EntityName("new entity"));
    cb.AddComponent  (entity1.Id, new EntityName("changed entity"));
    var entity3 = store.GetEntityById(newEntity);
    Console.WriteLine(entity1);     // > id: 1  "changed entity"  [EntityName, #MyTag1]
    Console.WriteLine(entity2);     // > id: 2  (detached)
    Console.WriteLine(entity3);     // > id: 3  "new entity"  [EntityName]

Last updated