An entity relationship is a directed link between two entities.
Typical use case for entity relationships in a game are:
Attack systems
Path finding / Route tracing
Model social networks. E.g friendship, alliances or rivalries
Inventory Systems
Build any type of a directed graph using entities as nodes and links or relations as edges.
Entity relationships are modeled as components or relations. Directed link means that a link points from a source entity to a target entity. The entity containing a link component / relation is the source entity.
There are two interfaces used to define entity relationships with entity links:
ILinkComponent - An entity can have only one link component per type at a time.
ILinkRelation - An entity can have multiple link relations - one per target entity.
Now you might ask why having specialized component types for entity links.
You can simply add an Entity
field to a component type and you are done.
This is absolutely correct but the specialized types provide the following features.
Features of entity links
Get link component of an entity with
in O(1).Get link relations of an entity with
in O(1).Get entities including outgoing links referencing a specific target entity with
in O(1). This make links bidirectional.Automatically removing links from all entities having a link to a target entity that is deleted.
Get all entities in an EntityStore linked by a specific link component using
in O(1).Add multiple links to a single entity using Link Relations.
Show and navigate all incoming entity links in a debugger
Comparison to implementations in other ECS projects.
Entity relationships in flecs and BEVY are modeled as component/entity pairs added to entities. The main differences are:
In flecs links between entities can be created adhoc. This ECS requires to define a specific component type to create links between entities. This simplifies code navigation and establish a clear overview what types of links are used in a project.
The API to create and query relations in flecs is very compact but not very intuitive - imho. It is completely different from common component handling. See flecs ⋅ Relationships
Adding, removing or updating a link does not cause archetype fragmentation. In flecs every relationship between two entities creates an individual archetype only containing a single entity / component. So each entity relationship allocates ~ 1000 bytes required by the archetype stored in the heap for each link. The more significant performance penalty is the side effect in queries. Many archetypes need to be iterated if they are query matches.
Changing an entity link does not cause a structural change. In flecs a new archetype needs to be created and the old archetype gets empty.
Big shout out to fennecs and flecs for the challenge to improve the feature set and performance of this project!
Link Component
A link component enables adding a link to another target entity. An entity can have only one link component per type at a time. Link components are added, removed and queried like common components with
The following example illustrate the state changes by small text graphs on the right.
Link components are represented by →
This example show the graph changes when adding link components or deleting entities.
Link Relation
A link relation enables adding multiple links to a single entity referencing other target entities. There can be only one link relation per target entity. Link relations are added, removed and queried with
Methods to mutate and query link relation are at RelationExtensions.
The following example illustrate the state changes by small text graphs on the right.
Link relations are represented by →
This example show the graph changes when adding link relations or deleting entities.
Last updated